Weather Station Status
Station system up for 48 Days 12 Hours 59 Minutes 59 Seconds
Station system free memory 14.05GB
This website uses Weather-Display
(10.37S-(b127)) for weather conditions reporting.
It was last started 1:40:10 PM 12/25/2024.
Davis Vantage Pro2 ISS Battery Status: Ok
ISS Packet Reception Percentage: 98% of all packets received
VP2 Console Battery Voltage: 4.6 volts
Component | Status | Age h:m:s |
Latest update time as of 02/12/2025 2:48am |
Weather-Display realtime | Current | 0:00:12 | 02/12/2025 2:47am |
Weather-Display FTP | Current | 0:02:54 | 02/12/2025 2:45am |
Weather-Display weather data | Current | 0:03:08 | 02/12/2025 2:45am |
Weather-Display NOAA report | Current | 2:36:46 | 02/12/2025 12:11am |
Weather-Display Month report | Current | 2:36:51 | 02/12/2025 12:11am |
NWS Hazardous Weather Outlook | Current | 10:53:08 | 02/11/2025 3:55pm |
Cron Update of NWS Alerts/Warnings | Current | 0:10:17 | 02/12/2025 2:37am |
Virtual Weather Station NOAA report | Current | 0:48:18 | 02/12/2025 1:59am |
NWS Forecasts Discussion | Current | 7:32:43 | 02/11/2025 7:15pm |
UV Forecast Update | Current | 0:16:05 | 02/12/2025 2:32am |